12:18 PM: I’m not sure how I managed to forget to make a second entry last night when I’d opened the folder to do so multiple times and even had the journal open at one point. Good practice in letting go, I suppose.
Yesterday we discovered that Diablos is most definitely a female snake. I argued that the small orange balls were likely solid urea until we moved his, I mean her, hiding box and discovered larger, whiter, softer eggs. She’s not been around another snake in the twenty years we’ve had her, but apparently female snakes can lay eggs and even auto-fertilize in rare circumstances. They aint need no man. Straight up Jurassic Park shit up in this bitch.
Today I will continue to consider the discrepancy between anticipation and action anxiety. Although, at the moment, I feel more numb than anything. As if sleep-deprived, though I slept for a little over eight hours. Probably the metabolic demand of whatever metastatic processes I am being punished with for being a bad person. Lol.
2:32 AM: I am grateful that I seem to be getting the hang of setting effective and reasonable goals. I have begun to leave myself alternates and contingencies where appropriate and have made a better attempt at balancing the temporal demand. For instance, today I knew that I had a near-full day at Bellaire, I wanted to lift, I wanted to stop at Stratuswave to make sure I knew how to clock into the new system, and I wanted to finish the last long section in the Facilitator training. Thus, when I set my goal for the house, I knew it had to be cautious in my zeal. I set the goal for sanding and puttying the hole in the laundry room wall. In doing so, I was able to progress toward a definitive change instead of falling back on a maintenance task (e.g., yard work) as a goal, which I occasionally will have to do.