I took a short hiatus from journaling as it seemed that many nights I was making entries for the sake of it, rather than making an honest attempt to get something out of the endeavor. I worried that it may cheapen the exercise. However, after having taken a short time away, I have felt that something has been missing. Perhaps journaling for the sake of it has value in and of itself.
Last Tuesday I went to the Carcass show by my lonesome and it was awesome. My biggest takeaway is that it likely would not have happened had I still been drinking. I had to hustle at work and at the gym to leave in time to see the show. I had to drive there, find the venue, and deal with all the things that would have been left undealt with at the bottom of a couple of pints of vodka. It is worth keeping this in mind.
I have also been reading about Stoicism as of late. A Guide to the Good Life seems to contain very little novel information if any at all. It’s not that the approaches do not have value, it’s just that I hoped to learn something new, but I have already intuitively implemented the majority of the tools through the years. Still, it may be of value to have these notions reiterated by an external source. And, to be fair, I have not deliberately practiced them as skillsets. Negative visualization may be of benefit in particular. Also, this book will very likely lead me down the rabbit hole to the primary sources or other secondary sources.
I have not talked to Suzi since thanksgiving. This is an odd one, as I’m not even angry. I am calm, but resolute, perhaps even righteous, in my stubbornness. I will write more of this tomorrow.