10:57 AM: I woke up earlier again today, but do not feel much ahead for the effort. At least not yet. I am currently in a purgatory state instrumented by shrodeingers schedule. I have made it a habit to not check my phone prior to meditating and journaling. Thus, as of this moment, I have no idea how many hours I have scheduled for Bellaire, thus I have no idea how the rest of my day will fall. Several days ago, I told Mark I would help him and Rob lay concrete at 5:30 today. With this being a priority, will the unknown number of hours afford the time to make jiujitsu? Will I even have time to lift first, or will I lift after helping Mark, which has a high likelihood of regressing my sleeping schedule toward my mean? Is it possible, that if I initiate my professional responsibilities within the hour that I will still not be able to make it to Rob’s by 5:30? The existential uncertainty is palpable and certitude lies, quite literally, at my fingertips.
Before checking my phone, I will lay out my priorities in descending order: Helping Mark, Lifting, jiujitsu, Bellaire, home health.